How to connect zoom app from mobile to laptop
How to connect zoom app from mobile to laptop Looking for: How to connect zoom app from mobile to laptop. Simple steps to run zoom meeting app on laptop or phone Click here to ENTER Times Internet Limited. All rights reserved. For reprint rights. Times Syndication Service. Home Notifications Newsletters Next Share. Simple steps to run zoom meeting app on laptop or phone Advertisement. BI India Bureau. Zoom app has become a well-known video conferencing app especially after the corona how to connect zoom app from mobile to laptop lockdown that has made connrct from home the vogue xonnect the times. As a leader among the cloud based teleconferencing platforms, zoom has several interesting and alluring features that make it an irresistible app for conferences both private ap official. You ti join or host a meeting on the Zoom app on your mobile phone or laptop. While conducting live chats, you can use meeting either with video or audio or both. Complimentary Tech Event. T...